Hi, glad you stopped by. Curious? Yes?

That’s great. I love curious people. It’s a sign of intelligence, like humor. No matter how serious a situation may be, there’s always something curious about it. One of my main curiosities is . . . why is humor threaded through everything?

Eating. Why is it that it is adorable listening to a dog crunch and smack their food and definitely irritating when it’s a human?

Snoring. Same as with eating. We actually pause the tv when Pepper the dog snores so we can listen to him. When I fall asleep in front of the tv and snore, my sister tells me “Go to bed”.

Sex. There’s a load of humor with sex. Slippery, messy, noisy. It’s wonderful when done right and very funny. Awkward, no matter the positions. I love it!

Religion. Don’t get me started on the curious events/situations revolving around organized religion. I mean–men wearing dresses? The Bible leaving out Neanderthals and Denisovans. So, God didn’t know about these wonderful people who utilized fire, invented language, art, drama, community? This infinitely knowable guy wrote the Bible, right? Don’t get me started.

Driving a car. The times when the discussion between me and my sister causes us to unconsciously drive right by our off-ramp. One of us will glance around and declare, “Where the hell are we?”. And laugh. Some people, like my dearly departed husband, would rant and rave about a wrong turn, when a U-turn would easily and quickly solve the mistake. To be fair, he did get better as he aged, like wine.

Curiosity enriches the brain. It fills in knowledge gaps. The What?, Where?, When?, and How? of things is so interesting. This Universe is packed with infinite questions. The main thing I learned in college was to question everything. I used to have philosophical discussions with my Algebra professor. That sounds weird I know, but perhaps I’ll write about it in my Mind, Heart & Spirit section.) He had me back up everything I said with documented facts.

Thank you for clicking on my website. May your curiosity be assuaged or pricked for the moment by reading my short stories, my essays, my writings on anything in this Universe that goads my curiosity.

Welcome to My Curious Mind, and yes some may call it a Curse. I call it a Blessing because writing, and sharing, makes me happy.

As a writer I have published pieces, but have many poems, short stories, and articles that have not been published. I also have novels which I am planning on self-publishing. I’ll give a synopsis of those here. It is this creative work I wish to share with the world. That is why I created this Curse of the Curious Mind website . . . a place where I can share my ideas, my mental and physical journeys, my longings.

I look forward to sharing many poems and stories with you. After all, a writer writes to entertain, challenge, to shake up stale thoughts and practices and to inform and maybe educate their readers.

I also look forward to any thoughts or comments you might want to share with me.

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